“But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31 ESV
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What is the Square One: Healing Cancer Coaching Program?
As a former Biblical Health Coach, if there is ONE resource I could recommend to someone who is either facing a cancer diagnosis, other illness, OR even just wants to try to prevent what they are seeing happen over and over again in their generations…
> > > T H I S I S I T. < < <
Why should I watch it?
The Square One: Healing Cancer Coaching Program is so comprehensive, not leaving out a single piece of valuable information! In this course, cancer conqueror Chris Wark covers causes, diet, toxins, stress, faith, exercise, supplements, testing, and more. (See a list of all of the modules at the end of this article!)
Here are my top 7 reasons you need to watch:
#1 He overcame his own cancer
Should be ‘nough said, right? But sadly, I know many will just close this window because there aren’t letters behind his name. Please don’t! I know if I had cancer, I would want to know about anything and everything out there so I could weigh my options. So please hear me out until the end.
In 2003, at the young age of 26 years old, Chris found out he had stage 3 colon cancer. At the time, he chose to have surgery but not get chemo. Instead, he educated himself on the many options available to him and went on a health journey using only nutrition and natural methods.
And it worked.
Chris has been cancer-free since that time and has devoted his life to teaching others how they can do the same. He is one in a vast army of survivors that many doctors discount as quacks, but they know the truth and have seen results that many who follow “traditional protocol” don’t see.
#2 He is a Christ-follower
Chris is incredibly open about his faith in Jesus and what an instrumental part of his healing process his faith was. In Square One, Chris speaks openly about the danger of unbelief, and the benefits of prayer, confession of sin, repentance, forgiveness, and renewing your mind. Science backs up his claims and so do the countless testimonials of healing from around the globe. (Please note: this is not a 100% endorsement of every theological belief of his. There have been times I’ve seen him use Scripture out of context, in my opinion. However, I firmly believe that the overall information he presents outweighs these minor issues.)
#3 He is unafraid and uninfluenced by big Pharma
Chris has no money in his pockets from Pharmaceutical companies. There are no conflicts of interest with whom he gets involved with. He didn’t go to medical school and receive an education devoid of nutritional teaching and funded by big Pharma. Chris is an average Joe just like you and me, who decided to take his life into his own hands. And he saved his own life.
#4 He has dedicated his life to helping others
Chris isn’t in this for the money. In fact, I’ve seen him give greatly to those in need over the years. He simply wants to get this info into your hands so that YOU can take charge of your life and get well!
#5 He points you directly to other valuable resources… things that worked for him and countless others
Listen, he’s not selling a magic pill. He’s teaching hard work. Unlike others who may be trying to push their own product on you and using fear tactics to get you to buy, Chris is teaching you about a lifestyle. And as a part of that lifestyle, he gives you all of the information about a wide variety of supplements, herbs, teas, water filters, juicers, air purifiers, etc. because they WORKED for him! NOT because he’s trying to sell you these products for his own gain. He wants this information in your hands so that you have all of the wisdom he’s gleaned over the years.
#6 He doesn’t speak to you like you’re an idiot
Listen, I’ve had some FANTASTIC doctors in my lifetime. Docs who would sit down with me, listen to me, pray for me, and gently teach me things I needed to be taught (like plant-based nutrition).
But, I’ve also had doctors who would speak down to me, cut me off, shame me, and make me feel like I was about 2 inches tall. And I’m guessing you have too.
Know what I did to those doctors who treated me like I was stupid? I fired them!
Doctors work FOR you. They are employed by YOU. You do not have to stay with a doctor who treats you poorly. Doctor shop! Find one who respects your beliefs and your desires and will work WITH you and any more natural protocols you wish to include in your healing plan.
Chris is gentle in his tone and loving in his spirit and you will end this course feeling empowered and encouraged, not cut down and defeated.
#7 He discusses body (nutrition and exercise), mind (stress), and spirit (faith) and the roles they play in healing
Could this guy be any more like-minded with what I’ve always taught here?
Sadly, many times doctors and healers want to treat one part, but not the whole. I believe this is one reason many treatments fail.
Friends, I’ll be 100% honest and say that I don’t even think the most perfect 100% plant-based organic diet will be enough on its own as many claim. I think it is a MAJOR component, but there is more to be done. The common thread I see among those who have overcome cancer and countless other diseases with nutrition is that they ALSO worked on the mind and spirit simultaneously.
The mind must be renewed and your relationship with the Lord, others, and yourself must be right. Not what blogs, books, and coworkers tell you is right, but what the Word of God says is right. If you have unforgiveness with others, then the relationship has brokenness and it will affect your health. If you have self-hatred in your heart, then that relationship is broken and it will also affect your health. And if you are in any way blaming God for any issues in your life, then that relationship is broken as well and it will absolutely affect your health.
Search out the Scriptures, friends. Study His Word. Then you will know how to be in right relationship with the Father, those around you, and yourself.
Body, mind, and spirit. Those are the keys to health and wholeness.
Here is the list of all 10 modules included in Square One: Healing Cancer Coaching Program:
Module 1 – First Things First
Module 2 – Why You Have Cancer & How to Eliminate the Causes
Module 3 – Implementing the Anti-Cancer Diet
Module 4 – The Anti-Cancer Diet Part 2
Module 5 – How to Detoxify Your Body & Your Environment
Module 6 – How to Eliminate Stress & Heal Your Heart
Module 7 – Spiritual Healing
Module 8 – How Exercise & Rest Activate Healing
Module 9 – Cancer Healing Herbs, Teas & Supplements
Module 10 – Testing & How to Monitoring Your Progress
Watch for yourself!
I pray you will seriously consider the life-altering effect this program could have on your health or the health of someone you love and that you will check out this program asap!
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