“Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith.” 2 Corinthians 13:5 ESV
Are you a Christian?
I went through a season of Holy discontent last year. Much of it stemmed from a tough few years of ministry, I know. That, coupled with the turbulent times our country has been facing has left my heart hurting more often than not.
I write this knowing my audience is made of self-proclaimed Christians. I write this with 18 years of ministry experience and a lifetime of church experience. I write this with a heart that is truly broken for what I’ve seen.
So I ask this with all sincerity…
Friend, are you even a Christian?
Being a Christian means being a Christ-follower. Not an admirer. Not a cheerleader. Not a country club member. A follower. I don’t write this to be edgy or insulting. It’s an honest question that I think we all need to ask ourselves from time to time.
We need to realize that:
Believing there is a God is not the same thing as choosing to follow Christ as your Savior. Even Satan knows God is real.
Attending church services is not the same thing as being a Christ-follower. Literally anybody can attend church.
And following Christian authors/speakers/teachers/celebrities is not the same thing as being a Christ-follower. Many enemies of Jesus follow them as well.
The question is:
Are you actually following Christ?
The way is narrow
Jesus didn’t mince words in the New Testament. Not all of us will have an eternity with God. The way is narrow.
“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter.” Matthew 7:21 NASB
Who was He talking about? Well, just prior, Jesus says they will know us by our fruit.
“…every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them.” Matthew 7:17-20 NASB
Earlier, in Matthew 3, we see John the Baptist warning the Pharisees and Sadducees about bearing fruit in keeping with repentance.
“Therefore produce fruit consistent with repentance; and do not assume that you can say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father’; for I tell you that God is able, from these stones, to raise up children for Abraham. And the axe is already laid at the root of the trees; therefore, every tree that does not bear good fruit is being cut down and thrown into the fire.” Matthew 3:9-10 ESV
Do you see good fruit in your life?
My pastor hubs and I have led enough churches to know that many of those who attend are doing so for the wrong reasons, sadly even many deemed “leaders”. And while it is ultimately up to God to judge whether these people are truly committed followers of Jesus or not, I give these questions in an effort to encourage us all to examine our own hearts and the fruit that we are producing in our lives. Is the fruit we see consistent with Jesus’ own life? As someone who is a true follower of Christ?
- Am I criticizing more than I serve?
- Am I speaking words of gossip more than the gospel?
- Am I craving positions of power and control instead of humbly following?
- Am I making it more about me than about Jesus?
- Am I relying on others to make disciples instead of doing so myself?
- Am I wanting the church to be a country club of events and parties, more than a ministry on mission?
- Am I showing up, singing, and giving, but leaving the building and leading a different life?
- Am I more concerned with political wokeness than the Word?
- Am I withholding tithes and offerings when the church makes a decision I don’t like rather than trusting godly leadership?
By grace through faith alone
To be clear, salvation is by grace through faith, not by our works. I’m not at all saying we must earn our way into receiving God’s grace. But I am saying not all who claim to follow Jesus, do. I believe there are people out there who claim they’ve chosen Christ, but the “Christ” they’ve chosen looks nothing like the biblical Christ.
Have no doubt:
Having a stirring of emotion during a song is not a saving faith.
Growing up with Christian parents is not a saving faith.
And falling for cheap and easy “Christianity” due to believing false teachers is not a saving faith.
Have you been fooled?
It’s all too easy to be pulled away into something that we think resembles Christianity. After all, we show up on Sundays, put some money in the offering plate, sing pretty songs, wear trendy “All I need is Jesus and _____” tees, get encouraged by what’s basically a pep rally, etc. But is that all there is to following Christ?
Dear one, it’s not. I’m finding more and more that we have two very different Christian religions in today’s culture: Cultural Christianity and Biblical (historical) Christianity.
- Cultural Christianity says: If I don’t leave church feeling good about myself, I should go church “shopping”.
- Biblical Christianity says: Truth can bring conviction (which doesn’t always feel good).
- Cultural Christianity says: What can I get from this?
- Biblical Christianity says: What can I give for the sake of our kingdom mission?
- Cultural Christianity says: My happiness is more important than my holiness.
- Biblical Christianity says: My holiness is more important than my happiness.
- Cultural Christianity says: I’m going to build my kingdom here.
- Biblical Christianity says: I’m going to build God’s kingdom in heaven.
- Cultural Christianity says: It’s the pastor’s job to make disciples.
- Biblical Christianity says: It’s my job to make disciples.
- Cultural Christianity says: Live your best life here and now!
- Biblical Christianity says: Deny yourself and live for Christ alone. Live for eternity!
- Cultural Christianity says: I can’t commit much time during the week to church- I have things I need to do.
- Biblical Christianity says: Worship and discipleship are the greatest things I need to do.
- Cultural Christianity says: My church is the coolest!
- Biblical Christianity says: My church is Biblical!
Let’s strip away everything we know about our current Christian culture and dig in deep into God’s Word. Do our lives look like those whom He called His followers? Is there sacrifice? Is there supernatural love of others? Is there suffering for His sake? Are we multiplying disciples who multiply disciples? Are we being bold in proclaiming the good news- the hope that we cling to? Are we serving more than we’re being served? Those things, my friends, are what will be found in a life following Christ.
The time is now
Friend, it’s past time we get in the Word and start living it. Stop comparing your life to other so-called Christians. They will not be held accountable for your choices when they face Jesus. You will. And stop comparing your church to other “cooler” churches you see online. Just because it’s called a church does not mean they are obeying God’s Word.
If you’re a part of a church that doesn’t regularly teach the following, find one that does. ASAP.
- The Gospel
- That YOU are called to make disciples, not just the church leaders
- That God’s Word is applicable for decision-making in all situations
- That this life is not all about you and self-serving desires
Seek out a Bible-believing and Bible-preaching church. Focus more on pleasing the Lord than pleasing people. Get in the Word and stay in the Word! Begin searching it every time you have questions about life and the world we’re living in. It has answers! Ask God to search your heart. Ask Him to show you any area in your life that you have not fully surrendered to Him. Study Church history. Study theology. Study apologetics. Strengthen the faith you have had all of your life or are just beginning to develop. The decision to live for Christ does not end with your baptism. Learn, grow, and live according to His amazing Word! Then teach others how to as well!
The martyr Girolamo Savonarola once said, “There are two kinds of Christians: Those who sincerely believe in God and those that, just as sincerely, believe that they believe in God.” Which are you?
Narrow is the way.
What path are you on?
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