“Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” Proverbs 16:3 ESV
Going plant-based?
If you’re even reading this, then I’m assuming you’ve had your interest piqued at least just a tiny bit about transitioning to a plant-based lifestyle. If you’re anything like me, you’re most likely completely overwhelmed with the prospect and are trying to convince yourself it can’t really be worth the trouble of making the switch.
Trust me, I’ve been there! Back in 2015, this girl right here went into this kicking and screaming and made it WAY harder on herself than it ever should have been. That’s why I want to help YOU and make the path on your journey as smooth as possible.
So here are my 8 action steps for those who want to get started with a plant-based diet:
First things first. Can we do anything without seeking the Lord first? Spend some time asking Him for His perfect will to be done in your life. Search the Scriptures for wisdom about our bodies and our health. This journey is not a mountain to climb or a burden to bear. If you put Him first, He will make your path clear and your burdens light.
Get educated
If you haven’t yet learned the science behind why we went plant-based, you MUST. If you don’t, you’re going to eventually convince yourself that you’re missing out, that the benefits couldn’t possibly be THAT good, or that no matter how you eat, you’ll never get well. By learning the science, you’ll become much more resolute in your decision and will be able to better explain your decision to inquiring minds. And believe me, they WILL inquire! So head over HERE to see which documentaries I recommend watching. Additionally, nutritionfacts.org is a fantastic resource for you to have in your back pocket.
Get inspired
Now that you know what you must do, you need to be inspired by all of the amazing foods you’ll get to eat! Too many people seem to think that eating plant-based means only eating salads. While salads are WONDERFUL, you are NOT locked into ONLY eating salads all day, every day. Nor will you be eating bland, flavorless, boring foods. In fact, when my family went plant-based, it opened up an entirely new world of flavors and foods we weren’t eating before! It was amazing! Pinterest is definitely the place to go to be inspired by all of the amazing foods that can be a part of your life now!
Connect with like-minded people
Warning: When you tell your meat-loving friends and family about the changes you’re making in your life, they WILL look at you like you have 2 heads. Just be prepared. Yes, they’ll still love you (I hope!), but they may not understand why you are doing what you’re doing. That’s ok! Because before long, they will start to see the positive effects that it’s having on your health and outlook and may start asking some questions! But, in the meantime, if you don’t have anyone to talk about this with, you may start to feel lonely. You don’t want that, because that may lead to a feeling of defeat, which could cause you to give up altogether. So take care to follow as many plant-based doctors, bloggers, etc. on social media as you can so that you’re constantly getting reassurance in your newsfeeds. Join our Facebook group over HERE where we are building a community of like-minded folks who get together to discuss their journeys, share recipes, and encourage one another. This is so important! You’re not alone in this no matter how you may feel from time to time. There are literally millions of us around the world, so find a group where you can connect!
Cut meat
Ok, so now is the time to face facts (because they are pretty clear, are they not?!) and make those changes. If you’ve made the decision for yourself or your family to go plant-based, I believe the easiest thing to cut out first is meat. Why? Well, first it’s because it’s pretty obvious where it is. While eggs and dairy are sometimes hidden in other foods, meat is usually in your face. Also, people typically tell me, “I think I could cut meat out, but don’t ask me to give up cheese!” So start with the meat.
Now, about those words “give up”… don’t use them! Our language is so important to our beliefs, which affect our decisions, which then create an outcome. So watch the language! You’re not “giving” anything up, you’re actually going to be adding new foods to your life and replacing some not-so-nourishing ones. So focus on what you can have- not what you can’t!
Cut dairy
Some people have a hard time letting go of their milk and ice cream. Others, not so much. The great news here is- these are easily replaceable! While I prefer making homemade nut milk and ice cream from whole foods (will post about these in the future), they are readily available at just about ANY grocery store these days. So this shouldn’t be too difficult.
Cut cheese and eggs
I know, I know. Y’all love some cheese. We’ve created a world obsessed with this strange-when-you-really-think-about-it “food” and it’s because of one important fact. It’s highly addictive. If this is a struggle for you, I highly recommend you look into getting the book, The Cheese Trap by Dr. Neal D. Barnard, MD. In it, he discusses how cheese contains mild opiates which affect the brain in a similar fashion as heroin and morphine. He then teaches methods of overcoming this addiction and how it will greatly benefit your health to do so. Check it out!
Eggs… well, friends, I gotta’ tell you. We used to eat eggs (and meat, and milk, and ice cream, and cheese) ALL. THE. TIME. But just like everything else, the more our bodies were being satisfied with densely nourishing plant foods, the more our desire for everything else just slowly vanished. The idea of eating an egg from a bird’s ovary just seems like a completely foreign concept to us now. Like, seriously… would you eat sperm from a rooster? Just sayin’. There are so many other wonderful options for breakfast and even for baking, that eggs just become, well, for making baby chickens. 🙂
Celebrate victories!
On the right track? Then celebrate! You know what encourages people to step out of their own comfort zones and do hard things (if you can call this hard, which I don’t) for the benefit of their health? Seeing others’ successes! I’m continually encouraged by those who are on their own journeys and putting in the effort it takes to stave off lifestyle diseases! Be that encouragement for someone else by sharing your victories (but in a humble fashion, of course)! You never know who may need to hear it.
You can do it, friends! Going plant-based could be one of the most rewarding things you’ve ever done in your life!
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